Kitchen Duct Fire at Luxury London Hotel

Chiltern Firehouse Hotel duct fire

The blaze started in the ducting then spread from the ground floor and to the roof of the four-story hotel called the Chiltern Firehouse, which is known to be frequented by celebrities.

Kitchen Grease Fire Damages Food Court

Circular Quay Food Court Fire Damage

Sydney fire crews observed significant fire activity spreading through the kitchen exhaust system of one of the food court eateries, with large volumes of black smoke issuing from the premises.

Cleaning Company Sued after Kitchen Fire

kitchen grease fire results in duct cleaning company being sued

A commercial, domestic, residential and specialist cleaning company is being sued for more than £1.75m by the Red Grill House. How it could all be avoided with these two tips.

Wool – The Right Fibre for the Job

wool is flame resistant or fire retardant

Wool’s flame-resistant properties make it an ideal fibre for kitchen grease filtration, helping to reduce the risk of fire spreading. Learn more!

Top 10 Reasons to Make the Switch

disposable kitchen grease filters Top ten reasons to make the switch to SHEPHERD FILTERS

Based on feedback we’ve received from our customers and the industry, here are the top 10 reasons to make the switch to Disposable Kitchen Grease Filters.

Disposable Kitchen Grease Filters Get Results

Disposable kitchen grease filters get results

Methods for managing and removing grease from hood systems have remained essentially the same for well over 100 years. Rapid grease build-up is a fundamental characteristic in commercial kitchen hood and exhaust systems. Until only recently it’s been all but inescapable.