Making a Difference in our Community with CIVIC

Civic community certificate of appreciation for SHEPHERD FILTERS disposable kitchen grease filters

Of the suppliers that Shepherd Filters engages, the one we are most proud to be affiliated with is Civic, a not-for-profit organisation that has provided services to people with intellectual disability and/or mental health conditions for 60 years. 

Founded in 1958 by a group of parents who believed their children had abilities and were capable of making a contribution to society, Civic now provides a range of services including:

• Accommodation – supported shared living and respite
• Supported employment and work ready training
• A range of social and learning activities
• Health and well-being supports including clinical services

Staff support individuals to reach their full potential, achieve their goals and participate in the community. Today, Civic supports more than 700 individuals with disability across the Greater Sydney, Hunter, Nepean and Shoalhaven regions, including 125+ supported employees undertaking meaningful employment.

Shepherd Filters have been a customer of Civic Industries since December 2017, who provide a storage, pick and pack service for Shepherd Filters, as well as processing of the wool filters. Under strict quality control, Civic supported employees:

Civic NDIS quality control SHEPHERD FILTERS disposable kitchen grease filters

The team at Shepherd Filters are delighted to be working with a company who supports an otherwise socially-isolated group of individuals who are more than capable of contributing to society.

Human potential, realised!

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