Prolong the Life of your Commercial Kitchen Exhaust System
Prolong the life of your commercial kitchen exhaust system by performing these five simple steps as part of your daily, weekly and monthly routines.
Routine Kitchen Extraction System Checks Pay Dividends
Still not 100% convinced that the Shepherd Filters solution is the right fit for your commercial kitchen? Let’s take a look at how we compare!
Two Millimetres of Kitchen Grease Build-Up is all it Takes
It only takes two millimetres of kitchen grease build-up in your extraction system to pose a severe fire risk, and a grease fire can burn through a typical fast-food style restaurant in as little as five minutes.
Disposable Kitchen Grease Filters Get Results
Methods for managing and removing grease from hood systems have remained essentially the same for well over 100 years. Rapid grease build-up is a fundamental characteristic in commercial kitchen hood and exhaust systems. Until only recently it’s been all but inescapable.
Fire Safety is Just the Beginning for Disposable Hood Filters
There are plenty of benefits to using disposable wool kitchen grease filters, yet there are two in particular that deserve more attention.
Grease Fire Rips through Restaurant Serious Repairs Needed
Fire statistics from Australia, the UK and the USA show that the ignition of cooking materials accounts for almost half of all commercial kitchen fires and almost all these fires (more than 90%) get into the kitchen exhaust system.
Burger King Fire Considered Total Loss
Madison Fire District says the fire started in a roof vent stack and spread to the kitchen hood ductwork.
How we Compare – The Choice is Yours
Still not 100% convinced that the Shepherd Filters solution is the right fit for your commercial kitchen? Let’s take a look at how we compare!
Kitchens Going Green – An Increasing Trend
New innovations are now providing commercial kitchens with a greener alternative – wool. Here are the facts!
Kitchen Exhaust Maintenance – Crunching the Numbers
Your routine duct cleaning appointment is fast approaching. It may require someone to be on-site earlier and/or later than usual on the chosen day or in some cases, the restaurant may need to remain closed. Is there a better way? Yes!