Disposable Kitchen Grease Filters Get Results

Disposable kitchen grease filters get results

Methods for managing and removing grease from hood systems have remained essentially the same for well over 100 years. Rapid grease build-up is a fundamental characteristic in commercial kitchen hood and exhaust systems. Until only recently it’s been all but inescapable.

Grease Fire Rips through Restaurant Serious Repairs Needed

Kitchen Exhaust Fire

Fire statistics from Australia, the UK and the USA show that the ignition of cooking materials accounts for almost half of all commercial kitchen fires and almost all these fires (more than 90%) get into the kitchen exhaust system.

Kitchen Exhaust Maintenance – Crunching the Numbers

kitchen exhaust maintenance spending

Your routine duct cleaning appointment is fast approaching. It may require someone to be on-site earlier and/or later than usual on the chosen day or in some cases, the restaurant may need to remain closed. Is there a better way? Yes!