London Shop Blaze with Flats Above Doused by 70 Firefighters
Part of a ground-floor shop and a five-roomed flat on the first floor of the building were alight. The fire is believed to have been accidental and caused by the ignition of grease within the the extraction system.
Popular Burger Chain Case Study
This case study of a popular burger chain, that was experiencing problems with extreme levels of grease build-up in their kitchen exhaust system.
Hotel Case Study
This hotel was experiencing poor quality and incomplete cleans by their chosen kitchen exhaust cleaning contractors.
One Person in Hospital after Coffee Shop Fire
“The fire involved the kitchen exhaust ducting of a coffee shop on the first floor of the building”, SCDF said in response to a CNA query.
Should your Commercial Kitchen Ductwork be Leaking?
Unavoidable fact – airborne grease collected by metal kitchen grease filters eventually gets extracted further into system components such as the hood, ductwork, and fan.
Coffee Shop Fire Spreads to Exhaust Duct Causing Damage to 3 Stalls
About 15 people self-evacuated from the premises and some helped to fight the blaze and preliminary investigations indicate that the fire had originated from overheated cooking at one of the fire-affected stalls according to The Straits Times.
Michelin Star Restaurant Hood Under Fire
A fire that escaped the Single Thread restaurant’s hood system and was visible from the roof was quickly extinguished by the staff and Healdsburg fire crews Friday night.
Insurer Seeks To Recoup $3m From Restaurant Duct Fire Coverage
Ohio Security Insurance is seeking $3 million from a North Carolina duct cleaning company after allegedly failing to properly clean the ducts.
Restaurant Damaged After Deep Fat Fryer Fire
“We’d like to remind restaurant and takeaway owners to ensure they don’t have dirty ducting. If you don’t clean the ducting in your extraction system regularly, you’re at a greater risk of duct fires.”
Golf Club Case Study
This golf club was experiencing incomplete cleans due to lack of access and the fan access points were out of their inspection date.