Golf Club Case Study
This golf club was experiencing problems with grease accumulation in their kitchen exhaust, and poor quality cleans by kitchen exhaust cleaners wasting their money, leaving them with fire risk and a non-compliant system.
Shepherd Filters stopping up to 98% of the grease at the filter always knows that unless we can get the system clean then our product is not the solution for existing grease. They were keen to see the disposable kitchen exhaust filters work and have a solution, so Shepherd Filters worked with the customer as follows:
- Local council asking them to meet compliance
- Grease build-up throughout the system
- Poor workmanship of current duct cleaner resulting in wasted money
- Grease leaks from above canopy seals down faces
- Grease leaking into the ceiling cavity from the ducting
- Filters, tracks, and canopy accumulating grease
- Shepherd Filters performed an initial inspection of the current state of the kitchen exhaust system
- Recommended the clean-up of system with a professional cleaner
- Installation of Shepherd Filters with training and monitoring over the first month
- Third party inspection of the complete system after 6 months showing that Shepherd Filters was maintaining the system virtually grease-free
A very happy customer who is now reduced their costs and risk of fire with a true solution in place and a happy customer not wasting their money as previously. Shepherd Filters is a value for money solution.
The first inspection revealed many missed areas over time in all areas of the system. This is very common for people not to inspect the work of cleaners and entrusting the cleaner or the fake reports provided. The current method of washing filters cannot remove the historic grease, only stopping around 20-40% of new grease. This however is still resulting in medium to high amounts of grease deposits to pass through to the entire kitchen exhaust system including the fan.
These photos above show a fire risk and depending on the wording on the certificate of works and all sorts of fine print the ultimate responsibility is on the golf club owner. This problem did not just happen since the last clean, this is years of neglect.
You can see above how the accumulated grease has been scraped to certain areas and then the cleaner has stopped at a certain point beyond what the customer can see.
Shepherd Filters reported findings of grease dripping down the canopy faces from up behind the filters inside the canopy. The retaining rays were full to almost overflowing, and grease was found to be leaking into the ceiling cavity, presenting a fire risk.
Shepherd Filters noted areas where access should have been installed. The client had never previously been informed of such by a duct cleaner. Although the ducting didn’t require cleaning at this stage (under 0.5mm), cleaning would be expensive one day should high levels of grease continue to move through the system without a preventative solution at the filters.
Shepherd Filters also identified the fan access points were out of their inspection date. Ongoing access by a duct cleaner to clean the fan would always be expensive and most likely require a harness and working at heights certificates to carry out this work legally and safely.
Even return air was being affected by grease. The vents were closed for this reason. The best solution for this golf club was becoming obvious.
Shepherd Filters recommended a professional clean of the kitchen exhaust system to remove historic grease. The clean cost the club over $1200.
We recommended before photos which match quotes of work being said is necessary, that a further before and after photo report be obtained to provide any further access required or missed areas reported in writing. We also recommended they must provide a current certificate of insurance including the date, location and ABN details.
The team inspected after the clean and found the job had not been completed. We were able to alert the client before they paid the invoice, and they had the cleaner return, which is not an easy feat.
The missed areas were mostly rectified.
Although the fans were poorly cleaned, they should not pose a fire risk.
The Shepherd Filters solution was recommended for the client to have peace of mind and avoid this ongoing problem, as well as to stop up to 98% of future grease from entering the kitchen exhaust system and protect the areas which had been cleaned. Now with the system cleaned, Shepherd Filters was installed, and staff trained in 10 minutes.
Various filters last anywhere from a day to a week to a month depending on the equipment such as grill, fryer, or combi ovens beneath. Staff change filters in minutes each day.
After 6 months when normally the system would need cleaning, the duct cleaning costs were reduced from $1200 to inspections and mini cleans, as well as reducing staff labour costs of previously washing frames.
Here are some photos of the system after 6 months:
A very happy customer who is now reduced their costs and risk of fire.
With a true solution* in place and a happy customer not wasting their money as previously. Shepherd Filters a value for money solution and peace of mind their fire risk is greatly reduced.
Shepherd Filters was costing the client less than half of this amount and providing a genuine solution to stop future grease.
*Our product is not the solution for pre-existing grease. The kitchen exhaust system must be clean to start with Shepherd Filters.
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